The Council today met with Rep. Jay Livingstone and Sen. Robyn Kennedy to testify in support of An act relative to a loan repayment program for human service workers (S.77 / H.214).
The Providers’ Council visited the State House today to testify in support of its pro-workforce agenda at a hearing with the Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities.
The Providers’ Council recently announced that it will host a free, members-only webinar on Thursday, June 29: The Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) for Health and Human Service Providers.
The Providers’ Council is currently inviting organizations to sponsor, exhibit and advertise at its 48th Annual Convention & Expo: Advocate | Act | Achieve.
500+ human services workers and advocates crowded the Great Hall of the State House today for The Caring Force’s 11th Annual State House Rally and Advocacy Day.
The Senate Ways & Means Committee this afternoon released their FY ’24 budget proposal, a $55.8 billion spending plan that includes $173 million for the Chapter 257 Reserve.
According to the report, between 2016 and 2020 employment at human services nonprofits declined 10% while the number of establishments providing human services increased by 11%.