Care workers advocate for better pay at the State House
Spectrum News 1 Worcester, May 22, 2024
Advances – Week Of May 19, 2024
State House News Service, May 19, 2024
Marshfield Community News, April 15, 2024
Human services workers from across the region advocate for a livable wage
The Daily Item, March 24, 2024
Human services workers, clients call for living wage at legislative event
Salem News, March 22, 2024
Rep Jack Lewis Awarded Caring Bear from The Caring Force
Patch, May 22, 2023
Human Service Workers Seeking Wage, Loan Repayment Aid
State House News Service, May 6, 2023
Lunch Briefs: Home Sales Plunge | “No-Brainer” Tuition Plan | Caring Forces Strained
State House News Service, May 6, 2023
Comerford Receives Caring Bear Award from the Providers’ Council
Athol Daily News, May 18, 2023
WBUR, October 19, 2022
Massachusetts Human Services Worker Exodus Threatens Industry
The Sun, May 16, 2022
In fever to cut taxes, Mass. first should tackle crisis in human services
The Boston Globe, May 16, 2022
Human services sector struggling amid wage competition
WBUR, December 6, 2021
“One of the saddest, most common situations I’ve seen was when someone had built a strong connection with clients and would leave their work for better pay,” said Rosalee Sanchez, a direct care assistant supervisor at NFI Massachusetts.”
-Caroline Enos, The Salem News
“Sam went from being a five-year-old who was so violent that we needed to, for the safety of our family, get him out of the house because (his) sister needed protection,” Neistorowich said. “But now, because of direct care workers who came into my home day after day, nights, weekends, he’s now living with us.”
-Geraldine Neistorowich, a senior program coordinator with Northeast Arc
“We’re going to raise up these priorities, both the budget and the bills that you’ve brought before us,” state Rep. Manny Cruz of Salem said, referring to two bills, one that is relative to a livable wage for human services workers, and one that would create an educational loan repayment program for human services workers.”
-Rep. Manny Cruz
“Olivia Moultrie, a 28-year-old direct care professional in western Massachusetts, cannot afford the type of services she provides to clients — or weekly therapy visits, chiropractor appointments, or car repairs should her check-engine light come on.”
-Alison Kuznitz, State House News Service
“We must eliminate pay human service worker pay disparities. And we must bolster the recruitment and retention of human services workers by eliminating the burden of student debt for higher education. We can and must do more for you – who do so much for so many.”
-Senator Jo Comerford
“There are 245 people who are waiting for services including 200 children, 54 of them need language capacity in our region — that means clinicians who speak Spanish and Portuguese.”
-Diane Gould, President and CEO of Advocates, Inc.
“The Providers’ Council isn’t looking to expand its services or grow its network, Weekes said, but rather provide a fair wage to its hardworking employees. [Michael] Weekes said it is “not unusual” to hear of workers clocking 100-hour weeks.”
-Cameron Morsberger, The Sun