Benefits for the agency:
- Cost-effectively educate, train and manage professional development for all employees;
- Reduce costs for travel, shift coverage, training space, materials and instructors — all while going green;
- Deliver standardized training content to staff working different shifts in different locations;
- Provide easily accessible reports for accreditation, licensing, internal review, etc.; and
- Increase productivity by training staff during downtime — e-learning is not bound by time or geography.
Benefits for the employee:
- Learn at your own pace in a pressure-free environment — stop, start and review a course as needed and take the test when you are ready;
- Further your own professional development by enrolling in elective courses on topics that interest you;
- Obtain continuing education units (CEUs) at no additional cost to you or your agency.
Benefits for the trainer:
- Easily keep and manage all training records in one database, including online training, classroom training and tracking items;
- Utilize automatic warning emails to remind staff and their supervisors about trainings coming up as due soon or already overdue; and
- Reallocate trainer time to developing new courses and expanding programs.
By implementing an e-learning system like Providers’ eAcademy® at your agency, you are making an investment in an organizational culture of learning and providing staff with an opportunity to play an active role in determining the course of their own career path and professional development. By offering staff the opportunity to expand their knowledge base and take courses of interest to them, you provide an employee benefit that makes you a more competitive employer!
For more information about Providers’ eAcademy®, please contact the eAcademy team at