TCF Captains are a group of individuals who have been identified by their CEOs as the person who will be leading the charge for all things Caring Force within their organization. Captains hold varying positions within their organizations and bring a unique set of skills to the Caring Force.
They are responsible for sharing information with staff, but might not be folks who want to actively testify or tell their own personal stories.
TCF captains will also help during rally season as they send t-shirt orders, pledge numbers, suggest speakers and help facilitate the advocacy portion of the event.
They meet once or twice a year and receive email updates.
Ambassadors are folks TCF can count on to tell their story to legislators, write a letter to the editor or op-ed, and share their story at events.
They may be staff, clients, family members, or board members who may have a connection to our sector.
They share their personal stories about the human services sector and why it is critical to their life and our Commonwealth.
They have testified with us at the State House in support of our fair pay for comparable work and student loan repayment legislation in 2021.
They meet quarterly and receive email updates.
If you are interested in joining or nominating someone, email