Join The Caring Force Rally to advocate for human services!

Our Mission

The Caring Force is the grassroots advocacy initiative of the Providers' Council. The Caring Force seeks to empower those who care about the human services sector to advance an agenda that creates an environment in Massachusetts that protects our most vulnerable neighbors and creates a stronger economy with the pay, recognition, and respect our workers deserve.

FY ’25 Budget Win: Reporting Language included in Conference Committee Budget

I am thrilled to share the fantastic news that the Conference Committee included the reporting language from our livable wage bill in its budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2025! This

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July 2024 Workforce Hero: Judy Hanley

The Caring Force is delighted to announce Judy Hanley as our July TCF Workforce Hero Spotlight honoree. Judy worked at 18 Degrees for over 25 years and works diligently on keeping

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Jobs with Heart

Apply or post a job on our Jobs with Heart job board!