Preparing for the Unplanned: Succession Planning for Human Service Boards

Online via Zoom

Date and Time: April 10; 3:00-4:30 p.m. Location: Online via Zoom Intended Audience: Executive Leadership and Board Members In uncertain times, planned and unplanned absences and turnover at all levels are a challenge to business continuity. This places a premium on retaining talent while simultaneously heightening the need to prepare for succession, especially in leadership at both


The 3 E’s of Employee Engagement

Online via Zoom

Date and Time: April 22; 9:00 -10:30 a.m. Location: Online via Zoom Intended Audience: Executive Leadership, Human Resources and Middle Management To engage employees, managers need more than technical and functional skills. They need more than processes and mandated check-ins.  The most effective and highly esteemed managers know that their job is about both managing


Advocating for Human Services: What Board Members Need to Know

Online via Zoom

Date and Time: May 1; 3:00-4:30 p.m. Location: Online via Zoom Intended Audience: Executive Leadership and Board Members Whether your board comes from a background in human services or another industry, it is key to understand the importance of advocacy at the state level. This workshop will cover critical pieces of legislation and what your board can


Trust Is a 2-Way Street

Online via Zoom

Date and Time: May 20; 9:00 -10:30 a.m. Location: Online via Zoom Intended Audience: Executive Leadership, Human Resources and Middle Management TRUST. It may be a touchy topic... But it's an important one. The elephant in the room is often the result of mistrust. You know, the kind that lingers and festers and ultimately impacts
