The Caring Force Blog

Our team of professionals is dedicated to helping our members meet their missions through public policy and advocacy support, education and training programs and high-quality member benefits.

February 2023 Workforce Hero: Christine Meiklejohn

The Caring Force is pleased to announce that our February TCF Workforce Hero Spotlight honoree is Christine Meiklejohn, Director of ABI/MFP Residential Services at Berkshire Family and Individual Resources (BFAIR). Christine joined

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REMINDER: We need YOUR help to pass our bills!

Last week, we sent an email asking for everyone to contact their legislators in support of our pro-workforce legislative agenda. We are supporting two bills that would create a student loan repayment program for

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We need YOUR help to pass our bills!

Our Pro-Workforce Legislative Agenda has been filed at the State House for the 2023-2024 session! We need YOUR help to secure legislative co-sponsors. Are you ready to take action? We are introducing

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Rallying at the State House!

After a few years of not being able to rally in-person, we are excited to share that the Eleventh Annual Caring Force Rally will be held in May at the

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Action Alert: Our Pro-Workforce Legislative Agenda has been filed at the State House!

Our bills will help workers in the human service sector. But, we need YOUR help to secure legislative co-sponsors. Are you ready to take action?

Visit our Action Center!