Watch our TCF Rally recording online!
If you missed attending our virtual 10th Annual Caring Force Rally — or you just want to see it again! — you can now watch a recording of the event on our YouTube Channel.
Read ArticleOur team of professionals is dedicated to helping our members meet their missions through public policy and advocacy support, education and training programs and high-quality member benefits.
If you missed attending our virtual 10th Annual Caring Force Rally — or you just want to see it again! — you can now watch a recording of the event on our YouTube Channel.
Read ArticleThe Caring Force is pleased to announce that our next TCF Hero Spotlight honoree is Hetsron Alexandre, an administrative support staffer with Roxbury Youthworks.
Read ArticleToday was my last day as Project Manager of The Caring Force. And what a day! Our Tenth Annual Caring Force Rally just wrapped up and it was a huge
Read ArticleOn May 14th, The Caring Force will come together virtually at 10 a.m. for our Tenth Annual State House Rally! This year’s rally will focus on our bills to help human service
Read ArticleEvery spring, hundreds of Caring Force Members typically fill the Great Hall in the State House and advocate for fair funding for human service programs, adequate salaries for direct care
Read ArticleThe Caring Force is excited to announce that our March Workforce Hero is Sandy Cummins, the Director of Residential Services at TILL, Inc. Starting at an entry level position after
Read ArticleLast week, The Caring Force launched an e-advocacy campaign urging legislators to co-sponsor our fair pay for comparable work and student loan repayment bills. We asked you to send emails to your legislators and you responded – nearly 1,000 messages were sent in just the first week!
Read ArticleWill you take five minutes today to send a pre-written letter to your State Representative and State Senator asking them to co-sponsor our two bills?
Read ArticleOur bills will help workers in the human service sector. But, we need YOUR help to secure legislative co-sponsors. Are you ready to take action?
Visit our Action Center!