The Providers’ Council announced today that it will hold a virtual training on Feb. 16 from 9 12:30 p.m. called, “Re-Organizing Your Time and Attention to COVID-Era Work Priorities.”
The Providers’ Council announced today that it will be holding a three-session training series in February titled, “Racial Equity and Organizational Change,” which will teach strategies for creating a culture of racial equity and equip attendees with the tools needed to bring about important change.
A federal appeals court reinstated the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees today, reversing a previous court-issued stay.
Providers’ Council President and CEO Michael Weekes and Massachusetts Nonprofit Network CEO Jim Klocke sent a letter to Rep. Richard Neal on Wednesday urging him to support a recently filed bipartisan bill in the House that would temporarily reinstate the Employee Retention Tax Cedit for employers subject to closure due to COVID-19.
Providers’ Council President and CEO Michael Weekes thanked legislators on Monday for allocating $30 million in American Rescue Plan Act funds for the human services sector, during a hearing with the Joint Committee on Children, Families and Persons with Disabilities on the Council’s loan repayment program bill.
Community-based human services providers from Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island held a virtual forum today to discuss the hiring crisis that is plaguing providers and forcing vulnerable populations to go without critical care, as well as to share their asks to state governments to help address the issue.
The final American Rescue Plan Act spending plan from the Legislature includes $16.5 million for a loan repayment program and $13.5 million for a grant program for human services organizations to support the retention and recruitment of human services workers.
Providers’ Council President and CEO Michael Weekes was featured in a CommonWealth Magazine story on Monday about staffing woes plaguing mental health agencies and other human services organizations in Massachusetts.