The Human Services Providers Charitable Foundation, Inc. (HSPCF) will hold a series of free Regional Meetings across the Commonwealth this May and June to engage providers in a discussion about the human services workforce crisis, in conjunction with the release of HSPCF’s new report Essential or Not? The Critical Need for Human Services Workers.
Regional meetings will be held in Peabody (May 11), Framingham (May 18), Taunton (May 23), Springfield (June 1) and Worcester (June 8). All meetings will take place from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. with a free lunch and networking opportunity between 12 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. These meetings are most appropriate for CEOs/Executive Directors or other senior staff, including HR leaders.
Registration opened on April 6 exclusively for members. Beginning on Tuesday, April 18, HSPCF will make registration available to any community-based human services organization in Massachusetts, so please register now as space at each session is limited.
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