The Caring Force Blog Direct Support Professionals Week 2021

| Caroline O'Neill

It’s Direct Support Professional Recognition Week in Massachusetts! This week is honoring the direct care workers who fill many of the 180,000+ jobs in the community-based human services sector in the Commonwealth.

Governor Charlie Baker has issued a proclamation in Massachusetts that proclaims the week of Sept. 12 through Sept. 18 as Direct Support Professional Recognition Week in the Commonwealth

Direct support professionals include direct care workers, residential staff, child care workers, personal assistants, personal attendants, in-home supports workers, caseworkers, aides, paraprofessionals and others. DSPs provide support in our community-based human services sector and ensure one-in-ten residents of Massachusetts receive the essential care they need. These individuals do some of the most important work in our sector and deserve to be recognized!

The Caring Force loves celebrating and honoring DSPs year-round! Whether it’s our Annual State House Rally, our Member Spotlights or our Broadcast Your Love contest, we acknowledge and appreciate the important work you do for our communities and the Commonwealth as a whole.

How will you or your organization celebrate this week? Check out the American Network of Community Options and Resources (ANCOR) website for some ideas, like hosting a virtual party or making gift bags. Show us how you are celebrating by tagging @TheCaringForce on TwitterFacebook, or Instagram!

This week is about highlighting the important work of DSPs who make a difference in the lives of our loved ones and community members every day.  Thank you for all your efforts, and be sure to enjoy Direct Support Professional Recognition Week!

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