Providers’ eAcademy® offers more than 1,400 courses designed for health and human service providers. Given such a wide scope of training options, it can be difficult to know where to begin when designing your online training program. Providers’ eAcademy® offers the following crosswalks to accreditation standards to assist organizations in selecting courses to meet their minimum training requirements for state, federal and accrediting body funding. This library of Crosswalks is available on Relias. You can quickly access relevant Crosswalks here:
Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
- CARF Behavioral Health Standards 2024-2025
- CARF Child and Youth Services Standards 2024-2025
- CARF Employment and Community Services Standards 2024-2025
Massachusetts Crosswalks
- Massachusetts Licensure of Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
- Massachusetts Adult Foster Care
- Massachusetts Personal Care Providers Consumer-Directed Services
- Massachusetts Hospice
- Massachusetts Assisted Living Communities
Crosswalk to the Council on Accreditation Standards
- Administration Standards – 2024-2025 – COA Crosswalk 1 of 4
- Service Standards A to G – 2024-2025 – COA Crosswalk 2 of 4
- Service Standards H to O – 2024-2025 – COA Crosswalk 3 of 4
- Service Standards P to Z – 2024-2025 – COA Crosswalk 4 of 4
Crosswalk to the NADSP Competency Areas
- Frontline Supervisors (NADSP-FLS E-Badge Training)
- National Alliance of Direct Support Professionals (NADSP E-Badge Training)
Please note: Accrediting entities do not officially endorse any third party solutions other than those they produce internally. General staff compliance trainings should be selected to ensure the organization meets OSHA and other regulatory requirements. Staff training is only one element of a successful survey and these crosswalks are not meant to take the place of a careful review and evaluation of your program to the accreditation standards.
Occasionally there may be a course listed in a crosswalk that is not available in your Providers’ eAcademy® site. This is because these crosswalks have been designed by Relias Learning, our content provider, based on all of their course offerings, and the Providers’ Council has purchased the majority of these courses, but not all. If you have any questions, please contact the eAcademy team at