Looking back on 2017, there is so much for us to be proud of! We grew to more than 24,000 members, hosted our Sixth Annual Caring Force Rally at the State House with over 500 attendees, Broadcast your Love of Human Services with photos all over social media and put the Spotlight on 12 amazing Caring Force members. Thanks to you and your efforts we had an amazing year!
All December long I have been posting photos from 2017 on social media, and as fun as it has been to look back at the photos and think about all of our accomplishments from the past year, my favorite part of the season is looking forward to the coming year. There is nothing more exciting than wondering what the next year will bring and anticipating the promise it holds. Lucky for us there is already plenty to look forward to in 2018!
Our Seventh Annual Caring Force Rally is already being planned, so mark your calendars for Tuesday, April 10! We’re anticipating the release of the Governor’s House 2 budget in January, and we will be tracking our bills as the second half of the session progresses. And now that we are more than 24,000 members strong, it is hard to imagine anything that can slow us down.
I truly believe 2018 will be our best year yet, and I look forward to sharing it with each and every one of you. To get the latest information all year long make sure you follow The Caring Force on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
From all of us at The Caring Force, best wishes for a joyous and safe New Year!
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