Before we get ready to watch football with QT this Sunday, we need you to help us accomplish our goal of securing as many co-sponsors as possible on our pro-workforce Legislative Agenda!
As you know, the Providers’ Council has filed bills that would create an educational loan repayment program for human services workers and eliminate the pay disparity between state workers and community-based workers who do similar work. Help us secure additional support for these bills today by sending a letter.
If you haven’t done so already, please email your state legislators now! All you need to do is enter your name and address, and you’ll send our pre-written letter to your legislators – it takes less than five minutes.
The deadline to co-sponsor this legislation is tomorrow – February 1.
You can also include your personal story to make your message more effective: Let your legislator know what it would mean to you and your family if these bills became law.
Take five minutes today to help strengthen the human services sector and build caring communities throughout Massachusetts. And all you need to do is enter your name and address — we will do the rest!
We appreciate your support and your advocacy on these important issues.
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