Somber and Difficult Times – Berkshire County Arc

Providers' Council member Berkshire County Arc is non-profit, tax exempt, human services organization which offers a broad range of community-based services to individuals with developmental disabilities, brain injuries and Autism.

(Addressing Berkshire County Arc employees)

“These are difficult and somber times for our country. It is a time of grief and turmoil around the pandemic. And now, we feel an acute sense of frustration and anger at the treatment of African Americans in this country.

Our staff is an incredibly diverse staff, representing numerous languages, ethnicities, countries, gender, sexual identities, religions, ages, and, abilities. I have always been proud of how we stand together. Many of you treat co-workers as family. Today we stand together in support of our African American friends and family members. An assault on anyone’s rights—from African Americans to people with disabilities—is an assault on all of us.

Thank you for coming to work every day, treating each other with respect, and staying focused on the individuals we serve.

Ken President & CEO “