Reports Financial Health of Providers in the Massachusetts Human Service System

The Executive Office of Health and Human Services published this report regarding the Financial Health of the Human Services Sector in October 2007 with DMA Health Strategies


EOHHS; DMA Health Strategies

Publication Date

Oct. 31 2007


EOHHS is publishing this report as part of an overall effort to bring administrative reform to the human service purchase-of-service system.

Efforts led by previous administrations sought to address certain areas of provider management. However, these failed to address questions regarding adequacy of provider reimbursement, associated stability of provider organizations, and the equity of pay received by direct care workers employed in these organizations.

This report will provide interested parties with fact-based, objective information to support continued public dialogue regarding the stability of the contracted provider system. As part of its commitment to a community-based system of care and to the thousands of direct care workers employed by these organizations, the Patrick Administration is working to develop policy responses and strategies that address the challenges discussed in this report.

As the Administration develops these strategies, input and participation will be sought from many individuals and organizations through listening sessions and focus groups. These sessions will be held in the Fall of 2007. For information regarding discussion events sponsored by EOHHS on this topic, please call Matthew Cornish, Policy Director for Purchase of Service, at 617-573-1658.

Download the full report here.