News Member executives asked to complete biennial survey

Every two years the Providers’ Council seeks input from our member executives through the biennial Membership Survey to help shape and guide our organization’s work on the behalf of the Massachusetts provider community.

As the Council continues its efforts toward creating a “healthy, productive and diverse human services industry,” we are seeking our members’ thoughts about the Council’s work and any ideas for improvement. Member executive directors and CEOs were recently emailed a link to the survey and are asked to please complete it by Monday, October 29thThis survey is designed to allow for response editing prior to submission and is mobile-compatible.

If you are a Providers’ Council member executive and did not receive the survey email, please contact Christina Broughton at to have it emailed to you directly. You may also call her at 617.428.3637 x125.

The Membership Survey is an opportunity for you to share important thoughts and ideas about the benefits and services we offer. We are focused on providing members with the most up-to-date information on important issues and trends, strengthening our human services workforce, building leadership in the sector and offering opportunities to save money on necessary goods and services. Your feedback will help us hone our efforts and remain the leading voice of the human services sector in Massachusetts.

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