Member Benefits and Discounts

Become a Member Today  

Make the Most of Your Membership!

As a Providers’ Council member, you have access to a variety of members-only benefits and discounts. Here are a few easy ways to take advantage of your exclusive member benefits:

Get involved: 

Invest in your workforce:

Save your agency time and money:

  • Get a quote from our Endorsed Business Partners
  • Locate funding dollars through GrantStation
  • Working on Board development check out the Board Pulse Assessment with Curtis Strategy (receive 10% off by being a Council member)
  • Ever thought about solar at your organization? Learn more about the SUN Program in partnership with Resonant Energy (free technical assistance and grant funding associated with project).

*The Providers’ Council is a member of the National Council of Nonprofits. Through your Providers’ Council membership, you are part of the nation’s largest network of nonprofits. Our colleagues at the National Council of Nonprofits keep us abreast of policy developments and significant trends that impact all charitable nonprofits. Whether you are interested in strengthening your nonprofit’s governance or fundraising, or learning about public policy issues that affect your nonprofit’s mission, you will find that the National Council of Nonprofits’ National VoiceState Focus, and Local Impact add significant value to your Council.

Not yet a member? Click here to learn more about joining the Council.