Board and Committees

The Providers' Council's board of directors is made up of executives from throughout the human services sector. Our committees, listed below, offer an opportunity for members to help craft the policies and positions of the Providers' Council, network with colleagues and advance the Council's mission.

The newly appointed Board Chair of the Providers’ Council Shaheer Mustafa delivers the chair’s report at the Council’s Annual Membership & Business Meeting in April 2024.

Board of Directors

Providers' Council Committees

Audit Committee

The Audit Committee selects the organization’s auditor, reviews and approves the audit report and provides critical oversight and guidance to the board and management regarding the integrity of the corporation’s financial process and systems. For more information or to join, email Tracy Jordan.

Business Practices Committee

The Business Practices Committee works to improve the business practices for the Commonwealth that directly impact the operations of contract human service providers. Additionally, it strives to share best practices and methods that increase efficiency and accountability. For more information or to join, email Caroline O’Neill.

Communications and Media Committee

The Communications and Media Committee helps the Providers’ Council with its communications and media efforts by discussing ideas on how the Council can increase its visibility and that of our members, as well as the general public’s understanding of human services. The committee also assists with Council objectives, such as reports and media campaigns. For more information or to join, email Caroline O’Neill.

Education and Convention Committee

The Education and Convention Committee’s purpose is to advance the human service industry by providing education and training opportunities.  The committee assists in the development and selection of trainings, higher education opportunities, workshops for the Annual Convention, roundtables, and other educational programs. For more information or to join, email Ann Schuler.

Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee’s purpose is to annually select a slate of officers and directors appropriate to fulfill the mission of the Council and to secure affirmative votes from the membership. For more information, email Bill Yelenak.

Public Policy Committee

The Public Policy Committee assists the Council in drafting and advocating for legislation or advancing any public policy that can strengthen the human services sector. The committee monitors legislation that would impact human services, promotes campaigns to pass helpful legislation and creates and executes strategies to defeat harmful legislation. For more information or to join, email Caroline O’Neill.

Race, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

The Race, Diversity and Inclusion Committee strives to create communities of respect, tolerance and inclusion within the human services sector and the communities in which we live and work. Learn about our efforts here! Our objective is to broaden awareness and understanding within our racial, ethnic, gender, faith, nationalities and  other identities by embracing  diversity through knowledge, practice, and advocacy. For more information or to join, email Ann Schuler.

The Caring Force Committee

The Caring Force Committee provides guidance and assistance in developing the grassroots advocacy initiative of the Providers’ Council. The committee helps create an inclusive and powerful movement of human services workers, program participants, board members, volunteers and other supporters. For more information or to join, email Isabella A. Lee.

Workforce Committee

The Workforce Committee seeks to explore solutions for recruiting and retaining human services workers. The committee also develops and expands the human services workforce through education and training opportunities. The Council’s CIES Workgroup engages in advocacy around the DTA service as part of the overall Workforce Committee objectives. For more information or to join, email Caroline O’Neill.