A Message from the President & CEO – LifeStream

Providers' Council member LifeStream offers a continuum of care for individuals with disabilities, including community residences, services for those living on their own or with their families, day support, and supported employment.

Click here to learn more about LifeStream.


(Addressing LifeStream staff)

“On behalf of LifeStream’s leadership team, I would like to express our sorrow and anger for the events surrounding the killing of George Floyd, another person of color due to ongoing systemic racism in this country.  Seeing and hearing the details surrounding these horrific events has finally awakened society to speak out against racism and injustice and work together for change in creating a more inclusive community where everyone is welcomed, represented, valued and celebrated.

Seeing the horrific video of George Floyd being killed by police has, once again, brought to the surface pain, anguish and anger to us all.  We share in the shock and outrage of recent events and at the same time acknowledge that those of us on the leadership team who are white cannot truly understand what our fellow  employees of color are feeling or have experienced.  But we want you to know we stand with you in solidarity.



At LifeStream, we are truly blessed with a diverse workforce, deeply  committed to advocating for rights of the people with disabilities who  we support. Now it is important we join the thousands of people across the country who will not settle for anything other than substantial changes made in ending systemic racism.


We are fully committed as an organization to engage in community advocacy and bring about substantial change in racial and social injustices.  We are working collaboratively with the YWCA  to assess the organizational culture and needs as it relates to this important topic.  Your input will be invaluable to help us as an organization to develop strategic plans to do our part in addressing this on-going issue.  Agency leadership will also be actively involved with  community work groups focused on  ending racism.


Thank you and stay safe.


Bonnie Mello
President/CEO “