The Caring Force Blog

Our team of professionals is dedicated to helping our members meet their missions through public policy and advocacy support, education and training programs and high-quality member benefits.

Happy Holidays!

As we reflect on 2020, we are so proud of the resilience of human service workers through an unprecedented and difficult year! Workers continued to take care of Massachusetts’ most

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Have you seen our new lawn signs?

As you know, our heroic human services workforce never stopped working through this pandemic. Workers filling more than 180,000 jobs in Massachusetts have been our other first responders, continuing to care for

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And the Award Goes to…

Congratulations to Children’s Services of Roxbury on being the Ninth Annual Broadcast Your Love of Human Services photo contest winners! This was a close race, with over 1,000 votes cast

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TODAY is Election Day!

Today is the big day! Have you already voted? If not, do you have a plan to vote? What about your co-workers, clients, friends and family members? Voting is crucial

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Broadcast Your Love Finalists!

And here they are: The finalists for our Ninth Annual Broadcast Your Love of Human Services photo contest! The 15 terrific entries received more than 1,000 votes this year! It

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You Decide the Photo Winner!

Have you thought about who you’re going to vote for? We’re talking about the #BroadcastYourLove of Human Services Photo Contest of course! Submissions have been posted, and we need YOUR

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Action Alert: Our Pro-Workforce Legislative Agenda has been filed at the State House!

Our bills will help workers in the human service sector. But, we need YOUR help to secure legislative co-sponsors. Are you ready to take action?

Visit our Action Center!