We sent you a survey earlier this month asking you to share a little bit about how student loan debt is affecting you. The responses we’ve received so far have been very helpful!
We are gathering this data to help us advocate for a student loan repayment program for human service workers. With your help, we hope to make that initiative a reality this year.
Please fill out our brief, anonymous survey by March 2nd to help us assist you and/or your colleagues who have student loan debt and allow us to understand what other factors contribute to the burden of that debt. You can provide as much information as you want or just stick to the basics; either way, all of your survey responses will remain completely anonymous, and we will only use this data for illustrative purposes or to report figures in aggregate.
If you do, however, want to share your name and potentially speak at our Annual Caring Force Rally or an upcoming legislative hearing, there is a spot at the end of the survey for you to do that! You can choose to include your name and email address at the bottom of the survey, and we will reach out to you to discuss helping us advocate for this issue.
The survey on student loan debt takes less than three minutes to fill out and will provide us with valuable information. The data we are able to gather from the survey will not only help us better understand the significance student loan debt has on the sector, but it will also help us explain to legislators just how vital the student loan repayment bill is to the human services workforce.
So please take three minutes today to take the survey before it closes on Friday, March 2. Thank you.
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