The Caring Force Blog Spring Updates!

Earlier this year, we asked you to urge your legislators to co-sponsor the three priorities on our legislative agenda, and you delivered!

Caring Force members sent over 1,000 letters to more than 180 legislators, asking them to sign on as co-sponsors! So here are a few updates on co-sponsors and committee assignments for each bill:

To learn more about each of these bills or to read the bill text in full, visit the Providers’ Council website.

The bills being assigned to legislative committees is only the first step. Now we need to get the word out on why these bills are so critical to our workforce, and the best way to do that is by sharing your story and advocating for these initiatives!

Join us at our Sixth Annual Caring Force Rally on Tuesday, April 25th to share your story and get information about these pro-workforce initiatives to your state legislators.

Thank you very much for your support on these important issue, and we hope to see you at the rally on Tuesday, April 25th.

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