The Caring Force Blog December TCF Workforce Hero: Michael Bourassa

| Caroline O'Neill

The Caring Force is pleased to announce that our December TCF Workforce Hero Spotlight honoree is Michael Bourassa, who was recently promoted to manager at South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC).

Tell us about your background and how you decided to pursue a career in human services.

Growing up, I never thought in my life I would turn to drugs and alcohol. I always thought I would follow in my uncles’ or cousins’ footsteps as police or even firemen. When I got out of high school, I met a crowd of, you might say, wrong people, then from there my nightmare began. I was drinking every day and using drugs. At some point, I lost myself and couldn’t turn around. My life became unmanageable. In the 90s, I began a journey to turn my life around. I finally got sober at Roland’s House, a temporary emergency shelter in Marlborough linked to SMOC’s continuum of housing and services in 2001. From there I met a woman who worked at Roland’s and I realized that this was the job I needed to be doing. There was nothing like the feeling of satisfaction of watching other people moving on and making way for a new life for themselves. I worked hard at my job and finally I was promoted to manager. I’ve been sober 21 years now and continue to keep doing and helping clients to follow their dream of having a better life. SMOC has been a blessing in my life and continues to help me.

Do you have a question for the next person we spotlight?

Do you feel rewarded at your job? How do you stop from getting burnt out?

Thank you so much to Michael and all of our wonderful human services workers who bring joy and passion to work every day! We are so thankful for your efforts and for making the Commonwealth a better place.



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