Our Eighth Annual Caring Force Rally and Lobby Day in support of our Pro-Workforce Legislative Agenda was a BIG success! With hundreds of Caring Force members filling the Great Hall and advocating with their legislators after the event, we couldn’t have asked for a better day.
Whether you attended in person, watched on Facebook Live, urged your legislator to support our legislative agenda or simply shared our #CaringForceRally hashtag on social media, thank you for helping to strengthen the human services sector!
Gold shirts poured into the Great Hall from all around the Commonwealth ensuring everyone from the Cape to the Berkshires was represented. Together we rallied for what we care about – fair pay for comparable work and a student loan repayment program – and asked our legislators to support bills that will strengthen our workforce.
At this year’s rally, we heard from four powerful speakers who represent the many faces of the sector: Thank you to Marc Bourassa of Berkshire County Arc, Kristen Tingley of Advocates and Maribel Soto and Tenaya Queen, two alumni of the GIFT program at Roxbury Youthworks, for sharing their powerful stories with us. We also we honored two dedicated legislative champions with the Caring Bear Award – Senator Friedman and Chairman Michlewitz.
We definitely made our presence known in the State House! Walking through the building after the event, we saw lines forming at almost every legislative office with gold T-shirts filling doorways. That advocacy shows your dedication and passion for our workforce and the sector.
From the bottom of our gold hearts, thank you to every member of The Caring Force who helped make the Eighth Annual Caring Force Rally an event to remember! And as always, please share your story and photos with us (@thecaringforce) on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!
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