This month, we continued to focus much of our coverage on the COVID-19 pandemic.
We have also expanded the “Saluting the Caring Force” section to all of Page 3, and will continue to honor your staffers as much as we can — please be in touch with Erica as soon as possible if you’d like to submit material about your staff for this recognition for the June Provider edition.
In this edition you’ll find:
- updates on how new state and federal relief packages may affect your agency
- a guide to how nonprofit governance rules have changed during COVID-19 restrictions by Anita Lichtblau of Casner & Edwards, LLP
- a call from Rep. Sean Garballey of Arlington for more access to higher education for students with disabilities
- and much more!
Click here to download The Provider- May 2020
Please also forward this e-version of the paper to your staff, board, clients and consumers so they can read about their colleagues and some of the important issues and trends in the human services sector.
And if you have information or pictures for our News & Notes section or a Letter to the Editor, please email Erica at
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