A sold-out crowd of 1,200 people with ties to the community-based human services sector came together at the Marriott Copley Place Hotel in Boston to celebrate at the 49th Annual Convention & Expo: Envision the Possibilities.
Xavier Ramey, the CEO of Justice Informed, spoke about the importance of working to build a better future in his inspiring keynote speech, in which he shared his story of going through the HeadStart program. His experiences with the organization have propelled him towards his future as an award-winning social strategist, CEO, noted public speaker, & conflict mediator.
USI and Advocates returned as the Diamond and Platinum sponsors of the convention, respectively. Attendees had the opportunity to learn at 34 workshops, visit more than 65 exhibitors and network with colleagues and pers.
The Council is grateful for all those who contributed to making this event a success.
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