The Providers’ Council and Caring Force are asking members and human services supporters to take a few minutes today to contact their state legislators and request that they co-sponsor the Council’s Pro-Workforce Legislative Agenda.
Specifically, co-sponsors are sought for two bills that would help create an education loan repayment program for direct care workers and create a plan to eliminate the pay disparity between state workers and those employed by private, community-based human services nonprofits who do similar work.
Members can click here to access a pre-written letter that will be emailed to your state representative and state senator, asking them to co-sponsor HD1270 / SD1525 Fair pay for comparable work filed by Rep. Kay Khan and Sen. Cindy Friedman; and HD662 / SD1325 Education loan repayment program filed by Rep. Jeffrey Roy and Sen. Eric Lesser.
The letter can also be personalized with stories of how these bills would directly help you, your clients, your family, your staff and/or your organization if these bills become law.
Legislators have until this Friday, February 1, to add their name as a co-sponsor, so it’s important to take action as soon as possible. Please email them today and ask them to sign on to these bills that will help that will help workers, clients, consumers and the entire human services sector.
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