Providers’ Council President and CEO Michael Weekes was featured on the local news podcast The Hingham ‘Cast on Tuesday to discuss the staffing challenges facing the human services sector, as well as what’s being done to help.
“It is our belief that we ought to be directing money to taking care of the people who are taking care of our most vulnerable,” Weekes said. “They deserve it, and I can’t think of a better use of money right now. They are picking up additional responsibilities and are working at breakneck speeds to try to keep up with the demand.”
Weekes highlighted the Council’s fair pay and loan repayment bills, in addition to the efforts being made to receive funds from the American Rescue Plan Act.
The Hingham ‘Cast is hosted by Ally Donnelly, a former investigative reporter for NBC 10 Boston and winner of multiple New England Emmy, Edward R. Murrow, Associated Press and Gabriel Awards.
The episode, The Human Cost of Help Wanted, also featured Council board member Chris White, the president/CEO of Marshfield-based Road to Responsibility, who spoke about how workforce shortages have caused services to be cut and put existing staff under significant pressure.
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