The Executive Office of Health and Human Services on Friday, February 21 published proposed regulations for Adult Long-Term Residential Services (101 CMR 420.00) on its website. You can download the documents here.
A public hearing will take place on Friday, March 13, 2020 at the Worcester Recovery Center & Hospital, 309 Belmont St., Worcester, MA 01604. Providers’ Council VP of Public Policy Bill Yelenak will plan to attend. If you have any questions, thoughts or concerns, please connect with Bill.
Highlights from the proposed regulations include:
- Certain rate components of ALTR services are being updated to include a CAF of 1.78 percent.
- The model budgets have been updated to incorporate an employer and employee contribution for PFML. Additionally, the tax and fridge rate has been updated to the FY ’20 benchmark of 22.31 percent. We have requested the model budgets from EOHHS and will share when available.
- The staff salaries for independent licensed clinician, licensed practical nurse, certified nurse assistance, registered nurse and direct care staff positions have been benchmarked to the most recent BLS median wages for 2017/2018. Additionally, The specialized direct care staff position salary in the intermediate and medical models are increased using a blend of direct care and DC III staff salaries.
- A clinical/psychologist blended add-on has been created; the psychologist add-on position has been removed.
- Transportation models have been updated; they are benchmarked against transportation models in CBDS.
- Nearly 360 ALTR operational rates have been redeveloped to 180 proposed operational rates. Further, the unit of service is being updated from “per person, per day” rate to “per site, per day” rate.
- Two additional occupancy rates have been established to apply more accurately to efficient or matured sites.
Council members are encouraged to reach out to Bill with questions, comments or concerns.
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