The Caring Force Blog December Member Spotlight!

The Caring Force is pleased to announce the December Member Spotlight honoree is Desmond Douglas, a Case Coordinator at UCP of MetroBoston.

Desmond recently celebrated 25 years at UCP of MetroBoston and has made quite an impact over the last quarter century. He always puts clients first and is willing to go above and beyond to ensure that quality of life and consumer choice are priorities.

Here’s what Desmond had to say about working in human services:

Organization: UCP of MetroBoston

Years in human services: 25

Best professional memory: I have been fortunate to have many meaningful memories during my career – it’s difficult to single out just one! A memory that sticks out is my working with an individual with a serious caregiver issue. This individual employed the same staff of personal care attendants for many years and considered them to be like family. Unfortunately, my client felt she needed a change, so we worked on hiring and training a different group of caregivers to come in and work with her. This individual was understandably very conflicted about ending the long-term relationships. The stress was mounting and my client wanted support in knowing she had made the correct decision. It was ultimately extremely gratifying for me to see how happy she was when the situation was successfully resolved. Seeing the smile on her face made all the efforts worthwhile. Over the years I can say that one thing that remains constant is the tremendous feeling of satisfaction I receive when things work out positively for the individuals I have served.  I still get as excited about these victories as I did when I began my journey in human services.

If there is one thing you could change in your job what would it be for you? (Question from Allison Brennan at PRIDE, Inc.): I would love to see an increased emphasis on providing social and recreational opportunities for the individuals we support. Over the years a majority of the individuals I have worked with have expressed feelings of isolation and loneliness. Many have limited family contact and have experienced difficulties in reaching out and forming meaningful friendships and relationships. These connections are so vital in supporting an individual’s mental health and self-esteem.  I believe increased services in this area would greatly enhance the quality of life of the individuals we work with.

Question for the next member spotlight honoree: What one skill or personality trait has helped you the most during your employment in human services?

P.S. If you know someone who inspires clients and embodies the spirit of The Caring Force, please nominate them on our website or email Christine Batista at for more information about our Spotlight program.

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